Does your business have written staff policies and procedures?  Have they been updated for GDPR, the Equality Act 2010, or even the abolition of the Default Retirement Age?  Do your staff know how they should behave at work?  Do your managers know how to deal with a grievance?

Your staff policies and procedures define the rules within which you expect your staff to work. They also lay down the steps to follow for important matters such as grievances, disciplinary meetings and dismissals. Many employers haven’t updated their policies and procedures for many years which leaves them struggling to show that they have followed proper procedures when a problem arises and needs to be addressed.

At Backhouse Solicitors we are experts in preparing Policies and Procedures that follow best practice and are tailored to the needs of your business. We will work with you to find out what is important to you and what you expect of your staff. We will then turn this into written policies that you can distribute to all your employees and use to train your managers. If you have a Staff Handbook, we can incorporate the policies and procedures into this, or we can prepare you a fresh new Handbook.

If you sign up to our HR & Employment Law Protection Package, your business will also receive employment contracts and policies as part of your package. See our employer page here for more details.

The benefits of proper policies and procedures for your business:

  • Staff know what is expected of them – raising standards within your business

  • You can run training courses based on your policies – promoting the right way of working

  • Equal opportunities and diversity policies help prevent discrimination in the workplace – reducing your exposure to expensive tribunal claims

  • Disciplinary and dismissal procedures guide managers through the right steps – reducing claims for unfair dismissal

  • IT and data protection policies protect your business information – reducing the risk of data losses and attack from viruses

  • Up to date policies and procedures will assist with achieving any quality accreditation you apply for (e.g. ISO 9001)

For more information please contact us to speak to one of our expert employment law solicitors.

Tel:          01245 893400
Visit:       17 Duke Street, Chelmsford, CM1 1JU
Or send us a message through the Contact Us page on this website.