Do you need to discipline or dismiss an employee?  Has there been misconduct, or are they simply underperforming?  Do you need guidance through the disciplinary and dismissal procedure?

All businesses have to discipline or dismiss staff from time to time.  We understand that it’s never a pleasant thing to do and nobody looks forward to doing it.  You may have heard horror stories of employers who have been sued after a dismissal, and it might seem impossible to remove an employee under today’s employment laws.  At Backhouse Solicitors our expert staff are here to reassure you that this isn’t the case, and to guide you through the right process.  If you decide not to dismiss after conducting an investigation, we will make sure you have the right paperwork on your personnel files to help you if it happens again.

The benefits for your business:

  • We will explain the procedure in plain English – saving you time

  • We will give you as little or as much help as you need – saving you cost

  • If you need a Settlement Agreement (formerly Compromise Agreement) for the employee we will prepare it for you – giving you peace of mind

  • If you don’t have a written Disciplinary and Dismissal procedure we can prepare one for you – again saving you time

For more information please contact us to speak to one of our expert employment law solicitors.

Tel:          01245 893400
Visit:       17 Duke Street, Chelmsford, CM1 1JU
Or send us a message through the Contact Us page on this website.