When a loved one passes away, it is a very difficult and emotional time and unfortunately, there is also a legal process of Probate and Estate Administration that must be followed to settle their affairs and distribute their assets. The length and extent of this process is dependent on what and how much they owned and owed after their death.
As part of the probate process, it may be necessary to obtain a Grant of Probate. This entails getting legal authority from the Probate Registry to administer the estate of the deceased. In this article, we look at the steps involved if Probate is deemed necessary, how it is obtained and what happens when there is no Will.
Who obtains the Grant of Probate?
The Grant of Probate is normally obtained by the Executors nominated in the deceased’s Will. If there is no valid Executor or no Will, someone must be appointed the Administrator of the estate. The process is then known as applying for Letters of Administration rather than Grant of Probate.
Is a Grant of Probate actually needed?
Sometimes, Probate isn’t needed if:
- the estate is worth less than £5,000
- the deceased owned everything jointly with someone else (as the ownership automatically transfers to them on death)
Some banks will allow accounts that hold more than £5,000 to be closed without a Grant, but this depends on the individual bank.
Applying for a Grant of Probate
Register the death
To apply for a Grant of Probate you first need to register the death which must be completed within 5 days. A death certificate will be issued, and it is advisable to buy extra official copies at this stage to send off to the various institutions that you will inform of the death. You will not be able to use your own photocopies and it is quicker and cheaper to buy them when registering the death than to order extra official copies later.
Value the estate
You will also have to value the size of the estate. To establish a net value, you will need to go through the deceased’s personal information, assets and liabilities.
For most estates, this is straightforward, but it can be more complex if the deceased had multiple investments, properties, overseas assets and personal belongings.
To establish the asset and liability values you will need to contact:
- Banks – for cash assets and accounts
- Lenders – for mortgages, credit cards and loans
- Fund managers/Stockbrokers – for shares, bonds, and other investments
- Pension providers – both private providers and the DWP for state pensions
- Government departments – for personal tax, council tax, fines etc
- Institutions owed any outstanding payments – tax, utilities, rent, other bills (e.g. funeral) etc.
Property valuation
Estates very often include property, which will also need to be valued. This can be done by obtaining valuations from two or more reputable local estate agents who understand the market. If Inheritance Tax is likely to be payable, a written valuation by an estate agent or surveyor will make dealing with HMRC more straightforward.
If the deceased left any valuable collectables such as antiques or watches, it is best to have them valued by a professional for the same reason.
Currently the basic Inheritance Tax (“IHT”) threshold, or “nil-rate band”, is £325,000 of net assets. If the estate is valued below this amount, then there will not usually be any Inheritance Tax payable. Even if it is higher there may be other tax reliefs available depending on the deceased’s circumstances.
Once you have gathered all the deceased’s information you will need to:
- Complete and file Inheritance Tax forms
- File Probate forms
- Pay Probate fees – currently £300 for estates over the value of £5,000
- Pay Inheritance Tax – this must be paid in advance, however, there are ways to manage this
- Place a ‘deceased estate notice’ – so you are not personally held liable for any of the estate’s unidentified debts
Administering the Estate
Once the Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration has been obtained, the Executors or Administrators can gather in the assets, pay the liabilities, and distribute the balance of the estate to the beneficiaries of the Will, or using intestacy rules if there is no Will. This is known as Estate Administration and is often the greater part of the work required.
Help with Probate from Backhouse Solicitors
At Backhouse Solicitors, we help many bereaved families through the Probate and Estate Administration process each year. For more information, contact our friendly expert team today to book a FREE 30-minute consultation to discuss your situation.
Tel: 01245 893400
Email: info@backhouse-solicitors.co.uk
Visit: 17 Duke Street, Chelmsford, CM1 1JU
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